Canterbury Earlwood Caring Community Centre runs programs for families, seniors and the local community including seniors social support groups and outings; parenting support and groups; playgroup; computer classes; English classes; yoga classes for adults and seniors; family yoga classes; craft classes; art classes; Greek women’s group; Tai Chi; parents walking group; fortnightly men’s group; intergenerational and community garden projects; quarterly social outings outside Sydney; and monthly dementia carers support group.
Address: 15 Clarke Street, Earlwood 2206
Contact Number: 9559 4013
Fax Number: 9558 5093
Hours of Service: Monday-Friday 10.00am-4.00pm. Some programs occur outside of these hours
Area organisation services: Canterbury Bankstown LGA
Languages other than English available: Spanish, Italian, Bangla. Translating and Interpreting Service available (TIS).
Referral Pathway: Self-referral via walk in, phone, email online, Facebook page or My Aged Care
Eligibility Criteria: Many programs are open to all locals (some family and seniors programs for people who live in the Canterbury and Roselands Wards and for families with children 0-12). Family Yoga children (5+) must be accompanied by a parent/carer. The Seniors Social Support group clients must register through My Aged Care. Other programs people can self-refer.
Any Applicable fees: Counselling for parents and parenting education are free. Most other programs have a small fee (between $1-$8 per group, Seniors Social Support Groups $10). Discounts are available in some programs for CECAL members and people on pensions or benefits, fees are negotiable for families in financial difficulty.