CASS is a community-based non-profit service that aids in the relief of poverty, distress, sickness, suffering, destitution or helplessness of people in the community. The service provides comprehensive care services to the CALD communities of Sydney, especially the East Asian communities.
Address: 44-50 Sixth Avenue, Campsie 2194
Contact Number: Appointment- 9789 4587
Hotline service- 9787 8333 (Monday - Friday- 10am - 4pm)
Fax Number: 9719 6357
Face to face casework locations: Campsie, West Ryde, Rhodes, Burwood and Castle Hill (Booking essential)
Hours of Service: Monday-Friday 9.00am-5.00pm
Area organisation services: Sydney wide
Languages other than English available: Mandarin, Cantonese
Referral Pathway: Through other service providers or Self-referral via phone, in office or email.
Eligibility Criteria: Newly Arrived Chinese-speaking migrants
Any Applicable fees: Nil