Community Health Centres provide a number of free services for children including nutrition, paediatrics, hearing, occupational therapy, early childhood social work, speech pathology, physiotherapy, vision and hearing checks, psychology and social work.
Child Youth & Family Services (CYFS) services are provided for varying ages within the age range of 0-18 years and their families.
Clinical services provided include centre based, home, school or preschool assessments and interventions. CYFS services are staffed by a range of professionals, services offered include individual, group, consultation and parent training.
Address: Early Childhood Health Clinics are located at Chester Hill, Georges Hall, Greenacre, Padstow, Panania and Yagoona.
Contact Number: 1800 455 511
Fax Number: 4621 8799
Hours of Service: By Appointment
Area organisation services: Our work covers the Bankstown, Bass Hill and Revesby Wards, however, we also have services outside the Canterbury Bankstown LGA.
Languages other than English available: Interpreter services available.
Referral Pathway: Phone
Eligibility Criteria: Families with children 0-5 years of age who live in the South Western Sydney Local Health District
Any Applicable fees: Nil