IARC helps vulnerable people navigate Australian migration law. Solicitors provide free expert, independent and confidential advice on family and humanitarian stream issues, and on domestic violence provisions, as well as advice on citizenship. The IARC also provides education and training, and advocates for policy and law reform.
Address: Suite 3, Level 8, 377-383 Sussex Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Postal Address: PO Box 20035 World Square NSW 2002
Contact Number: (02) 8234 0700
DV Priority Line: (02) 8234 0777 (for case workers only)
Fax Number: 9299 8467
Email: info@iarc.org.au
Website: www.iarc.org.au
Hours of Service: Monday-Friday 9.00am-5.00pm
Area organisation services: New South Wales
Languages other than English available: Interpreter services available
Referral Pathway: Information Line is Monday-Friday 9.00am-5.00pm
Telephone advice Line is Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm
Eligibility Criteria: Clients must be vulnerable asylum seekers, refugees or migrants
Any Applicable fees: Nil