Lakemba SaCC is a community centre based in Lakemba PS which provides a range of programs for local families with young children (0-8). Working in partnership with other services we offer playgroups, parent programs, adult education courses and more. Support services such as family support, community information sessions and referral also provided; as well as working with the school to support children and families.
Address: Lakemba Public School, Alice Street, Lakemba 2195
Contact Number: 9759 4061
Fax Number: Nil
Hours of Service: Monday-Friday 8.00am-4.00pm during school terms
Area organisation services: Lakemba/Wiley Park
Languages other than English available: Bangla, Arabic
Referral Pathway: Self referral vi email, Over the phone or in office
Eligibility Criteria: Local families with young children
Any Applicable fees: Nil