Marrickville Legal Centre is an independent, non-profit community legal centre which offers free legal advice and assistance to people experiencing economic and social disadvantage in the inner west, south-west and southern suburbs of Sydney.
The General legal services provides legal advice and assistance in relation to a broad range of legal issues. Advice is by appointment only, at one of our advice clinics. We conduct advice clinics both during the day and during the evenings.
Youth Legal Service offers free legal information, advice and assistance on a broad range of legal issues to young people under the age of 25 years, across NSW. Advice is generally provided via phone or at a range of outreach locations.
Domestic Violence Service offers specialist advice and assistance to people who have experienced domestic and family violence. We provide a community-based service, with a focus on assisting people who may be uncomfortable approaching the police or court services for assistance. We can provide support, referrals, risk assessment, safety planning, legal advice and advocacy.
This is a free service.
Address: 338 Illawarra Road, Marrickville 2204
Contact Number: 9137 6061
Hours of Service: Monday – Friday, 9.30am – 1pm, 2pm – 5pm
Evening advice is also available for some issues.
Area organisation services: Inner West, South-West and Southern suburbs of Sydney
Languages other than English available: NIL
Referral Pathway:Online referral via webform on website by client or service provider. Email for discussion
Eligibility Criteria: Women experiencing domestic violence
Any Applicable fees: NIL