Youthblock Youth Health Service provides free, safe and confidential support, counselling, information and health services for young people aged 12-25 who live or spend time in the Sydney Local Health District (Inner West of Sydney).
Address: 288 Abercrombie Street, Darlington 2008
Contact Number: 9562 5640
Fax Number: 9562 5664
Hours of service: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday- 9am – 5pm, Wednesday- 11:30am – 5pm
Area organisation services: Sydney Local Health District
Languages other than English available: N/A
Referral pathway: Self-referral, phone, in office or email.
Eligibility criteria: 12-25 years old young people who are marganilised and at-risk. This includes young people who are living, working, studying or have a connection to the Sydney Local Health District.
Any applicable fees: Nil